Getting dentures is somewhat intimidating. Dentures are artificial teeth that replace permanent teeth to improve oral health, allow for efficient chewing and make it that much easier to speak. If your dentist suggests dentures, do not panic. Your dentist will help you select the perfect dentures for your nuanced mouth.
Everything from the look of the dentures to the fit and feel matter a great deal. This process will take some time.
The helpful guide to dentures provided below will ameliorate the challenge.
Denture Type
Meet with your dentist to discuss dentures and you will find there are two primary types: partial and complete. The type of dentures ideal for your mouth depends on whether you need a full set of teeth replaced or a couple teeth replaced. Complete dentures, also known as full dentures, are prosthetic devices that replace a full arch of lost or extensively decayed/damaged teeth. A dental lab can customize such dentures to fit the exact dimensions of the individual who uses them.
Full dentures are necessary when a patient loses several teeth, multiple heavily decayed/damaged teeth or lacks intraoral tissue. Full dentures replace teeth as well as the lost tissue. Partial dentures replace a couple of teeth rather than an entire row. This style of denture is relied upon when one or several natural teeth are still healthy and functional in the upper and/or lower jaws.
Partial dentures and complete dentures are removable so do not worry about them accumulating food particles, bacteria, plaque and other gunk. However, if you would like to keep your current teeth in position, you should consider the merits of the non-removable partial denture known as the fixed bridge. Do not attempt to make the decision on your own. Your dentist will help you select the denture ideal for your unique mouth.
Denture Aesthetics
Denture color matters a great deal as others will see your artificial teeth when you smile, laugh, talk and eat. If your dentures are not the best color for your unique face, they will detract from your beauty. Several different hues of white are available. The brightest and whitest dentures are not always the best option. The best approach is to select the denture that gives your mouth a perfectly natural look. Everything from your skin complexion to the hue of white that looks most natural for your unique aesthetic is necessary to consider when making this important decision.
Do not lose sight of the fact that dentures are important beyond functionality. By choosing the right color, you will not be self-conscious about opening your mouth in public. Your dentist will help you select the right denture color for your mouth. He or she will show you a shade chart that displays the many different denture colors. Do not attempt to evaluate all denture shades at once.
Cover up all the shades but for one so you can devote your full attention to each individual shade. Progress through the shades, examining each in-depth so you can figure out which color is suitable for your idiosyncratic mouth. If you will receive a partial denture, your sole option is to select the shade that resembles your natural teeth.
Denture Brands
There are several different denture brands on the market. In some cases, the use of an atypical denture proves optimal for certain patients. The bottom line is each type of denture has its own distinct benefits and drawbacks. Consult with your dentist and you will find some brands improve tooth aesthetics better than others.
Some brands are only available in a couple anterior molds, many of which do not provide the proper fit. Consult with your dentist to determine which brand will prove most durable, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.
For more denture information or to schedule a dentures consultation with Diamond Head Dental Care, request an appointment in our Honolulu dental office here: https://www.diamondheaddentalcare.com. Or call us at (808) 450-2101.
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